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Giveaway-Free Digital King James Study Bible Software Download

What is the Bible? The Bible is a book about God our Creator who reveals his undying love for his creation mankind. The Bible presents salvation history: how God revealed himself and his plan for the redemption of fallen mankind. Promise found in the Old Testament finds fulfillment in the New Testament: God giving his only son Jesus Christ to save humanity, and sending the Holy Spirit to guide us. The Bible provides direction for a happy life on earth, gives prophecy on the end times, and helps us reach heaven in the after-life. It is the basis of moral standards in our society.

There may be millions of christians entire the world, but as long as there is one person that doesn’t know our Lord Jesus Christ, our number is not enough. So I decided to share this free King James Bible application for computers and android phones. The interface is very simple to use and it’s fully customizable. You can set  the background color and also the fonts and color of the texts. Another amazing feature of this software application is that you can view the texts in notepad or word. Just follow the giveaway instruction below to download the software. Login through facebook or email.

Giveaway-Free Digital King James Study Bible Software Download