Christian Song Lyrics

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Aaron Shust

Your Majesty Lyrics- Aaron Shust

Jesus, Alpha and Omega Lord of all creation Beginning and the End Spirit, ever present comfort Granting us a peace We could never comprehend Jesus, conqueror of sin With the power to rise again You’re the victor over death Savior, Holy as You are You removed our sin as far As the east is from […]

Worthy / Let All I Do Lyrics- Aaron Shust

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain To receive power, wealth and wisdom and thanks And honor and glory and praise Blessing and Honor Glory and Power Let all I do give praise to You Let all I sing be to honor You My King

Wondrous Love Lyrics- Aaron Shust

That you would leave Your throne And make this world Your home Forsaking majesty Embracing mundane And all of its shame You walked our dusty streets Healing a world in need You looked into the eyes Of sinners like me Setting us free What wondrous love is this What wondrous love is this That You […]

When Everything Is Beautiful Lyrics- Aaron Shust

Take my ashes, take my dirt and clay Take my pride and strip it all away Take my mourning, take my doubt and fear Say the words I long to hear Though your sins were as scarlet They will be as white as snow Though they were red, red as crimson They will be like […]

We Are Free Lyrics- Aaron Shust

We are more than conquerors We don’t have to be afraid Nothing is as powerful As His love Oh, the way He gave His Son To give life to everyone Not a thing can separate us From His love It’s the life and the hope that He brings His forgiveness that leads us to sing […]