Every child of God has a very significant purpose; but discovering that purpose takes obedience, prayer and submission, and requires you to listen to the voice of God.
It is in our human nature to feel dissatisfied with not knowing what we were sent here to do. As Christians, we desire to please God and be used by him, but we often aren’t sure how he wants to use us. Thus begins a rather rigorous lifestyle of working for God and not with him. Looking for ways to please him, without first seeking him to discover how he desires us to do so.
These tips will help you to find your God given purpose and fulfill it – in God’s time and as he sees fit.
1. Don’t Try to Create Your Own Calling
As you are filled with the Holy Spirit, your desire to serve God will grow. There are many ways to be a blessing and you should grab hold of these opportunities when you come across them, but do not try to create your own callings by doing what seems to work for anyone else or trying to help out in an area which you are not meant to be of help in.
For example, if your church is in dire need of helpers for their children’s ministry but you know that you don’t deal well with children, don’t feel that you must serve in this area. God will speak to the hearts of those who he desires to have serve in that area and they will come forth. If you come from a family of ministers or your mother was a pastor’s wife, it does not mean you should follow in their footsteps.
Trying to create your own calling and purpose to fulfill may bring you temporary satisfaction, but you won’t be doing anything for God’s kingdom and you’ll find nothing but dead ends when you try to move forward with plans he hasn’t blessed. God has a designated purpose for you and it is far better than any you could come up with on your own.
2. Don’t Take Your Gifts for Granted
God has given each of us gifts to be used to glorify him and bless others. Consider your skills and talents. What are you good at? Perhaps writing is your passion. Maybe you are musically inclined or extremely well spoken. Don’t underestimate your gifts. See them for what they are and realize that God has given them to you and you should make use of them. You may have an array of skills sets, but ask God to show you which he wants to use and how.
3. Patiently and Prayerfully Await Your Purpose
Patience truly is a virtue. Ask God to help you to be patient as you wait to hear from him and be shown your purpose. It may be difficult to see from a human vantage point.
However, God’s heavenly vantage point allows him to see that which we cannot, but he will slowly reveal your ultimate purpose to you as you work with him. Consult God in prayer and ask him to show you what your purpose is, how to pursue it and to bless any plans you make to carry it out.
4. Pursue Your Purpose with Passion
Upon discovering your purpose, pursue it as God has called you to – with great passion! Do not listen to the criticisms of those around you when you encounter them and do not be afraid or doubt yourself. God has a master plan and he has given you a purpose to fulfill that will assist in carrying out that plan; therefore, he will equip you to fulfill it and help you to overcome any obstacles you meet along the way.
Even if your purpose seems small to you in comparison to that of others, remember that you are being used to increase God’s kingdom – both here on Earth and for all eternity.
How to Find and Fullfill Your Purpose as a Christian