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Christian Education

The Dangers of Sex Before and Outside of Marriage By Pastor Greg Baker

The Dangers of Sex Before and Outside of Marriage By: Pastor Greg Baker Simply because something has become more acceptable to society as a whole doesn’t make it either right or without consequences. There are very real dangers that are associated with sex before and outside of marriage. I’m not looking for people to agree […]

Understanding and Teaching Truth Written By Pastor Greg Baker

Understanding and Teaching Truth By: Pastor Greg Baker Embed from Getty Images A fact is directionless. It is just there. It doesn’t teach or say anything. However, if you couple that fact with a philosophy-a direction-then it does teach a ‘truth’. The problem lies in the concept that two people can look at the same […]

The Big Deal with Stem Cells Written By FBC Ministries

The Big Deal with Stem Cells By: FBC Ministries You hear about it all the time–the stem cell controversy. But what is all the arguing about? Michael J. Fox, a famous movie star who is slowly dying from Parkinson’s disease, has been lobbying congress to pass a stem cell research bill. Christopher Reeves, the late […]